
20-Jul-2024 – Why someone wanted to attract Donald Trump ?

Currently keep reading (small) books to improve. Last week, I read the Hindustan newspaper. Why someone attacked to Donald Trump, in USA? It shouldn’t be like this!

Precedent Mr. Bident said “Lower the temperature”.

ex Precedents Mr. Barack Obama said “Use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in aur Politics”.

My Reading problem:

  • Reading was lot of time (~30min), and only half paragraphs.
  • If you see blue checkbox, many words are like jargon.
  • Better for me to write “Words”. Also add voice mail to improve communication talks.

10-Jul-2024 – Watched Kalki 2898 movie

  • Watched Kalki 2898 movie. Different concept for Mahabharat story (or reality).
  • Loved the movie, related to the India best Si-Fi and graphics – CGI / VFX (always forget the words – Computer Generated Imaginary, Visual Effects).
  • After Stroke, I forgot Mahabharata Names (People will kill me :-P). I asked my Mom and Puja. It was very horrific for me – got confused names from Mahabharata and Ram (:-P). But I knew the 100% photographic memory intact.
  • Below Movie release Photo, it was completely wrong. Why?
    • Prabhas comedy photo .. useless!
    • Prabhas and Amitabh Bachan .. Prabhas is useless!
    • I was fan for Amitabh Bachan. Truly a legend!
    • Kamal Hassan appeared for <5min; we are waiting for sequel movie… sure Prabhas would be useless ?
    • Prabhas will hate me πŸ˜›

01-Jul-2024Dyslexia Chapter, David and Goliath from Malcolm Gladwell

  • 2024 Resolution is to read something. Started with “Dyslexia Chapter”. I am not “Dyslexia”, but little related to my “Wernicke’s Aphasia”, my reading is slow. Chapter is only ~25 pages
  • Love Malcolm Gladwell, because he gives the statistical graph charts and shares all of us. Read all his books (and heard some Revisionist History podcast). He keeps on changing the different **** (graphs?).
  • People think bad for Dyslexia guys, but it might be reverse. Do you know Dyslexia names?
    • I Kamprad, IKEA owner
    • Grazer, Producer (Remember Appolo 13; Splash; A beatiful mind)
    • David Boies (Lawyer; he didn’t read, just listen).
  • Get positive vibe (may be I could go up?), that helps!
  • Try to organize writing
    • + Write steps; To brush up my vocabulary words.
    • – Don’t brush up reading words again πŸ˜›
    • – After a week, will forget words again. Logically, should I communicate to my family/friends. That’s the biggest hurdle (Not related, but writing the words – drawback).

26-Feb-2023 – Tata Elevation Run – Lonavala, India

Hi Nitya, first time you pinged me for the Lonavala run; first I denied to stop waisting for my time. One Strava runner registered first full marathon 50km. Finally, I registered for 35km.

My goal was to happily finish the race. For the practice weekend, I ran bell curve (10Mi+13.1+16.6+13.1). Arravied in Lonavala on Saturday morning- 25th Feb. I went to the Run EXPO; and no there was no EXPO – not even water bottles! Then on 26-Feb @01:30am – I was nervous because most of them were athletic. The race started @03:03am to ware my headlight. After 3mi, Elevation started 3-4mi was the most disaster for my body! But as my name is “Turtle runner”, I kept slow running, but I din’t stop ; except for my hydration break (water, restroom, eat). Finally finished my race @ 03 hrs 48min.


Hi Nitya, we talked today – immediately/suddently if I wanted to express story for the kids. I knew Pide piper story, but there were so different folktales (rats from the mountain in the lake? Money or Gold? Politition or Village Sarpanch? Where will the kids hide – ofcourse not in the lake. In the building or School or hidden forest? Lessons learnt? ) Phew! I read/w the folktale may be 30 years ago! Did I forget Moral, Character, Plot? The biggest problem is the missing words to explain/express to the others. Took me 15min πŸ™‚

After the meeting, I watched the video. There were a new varient ideas.

 - Hamalon is the traidtional town. 
 - plague of rates / apademick 

 - Pidepiper went to Authority. He also wear feather is his hats 
 - They should Reward them for 10 gold bags - they should have promised
 - Cheating

 - Played strange tune on flute --> persuade , messperised - rat drown in the lake
 - Authority selfished/denied to not paying gold. Played a different fluent. 
 - Children outskerts went in the cave. He closed the  cave. 
 - Two children didn't go in the cave.  Why? One boy didn't hear so much and one girl hurt her leg. Went to Authority
 - Got the rewards --> 
 - It is still said in Hamalon to hear the flute --> most imp!

Ask parents to watch more TV :-)

Hopefully, Good thing is that I can explain better for the kids πŸ™‚


D - Dedication (commitment) - I want to dedicate a new project (I will work for ~12hrs mon-fri for 3 months)
R - Responsibility (Importance) - I am responsible for my project (I will try to encrease more work for >16hrs; its my decision)
E - Educate (learn in school) - I want to learn a new product. 
A - Attitude (belief, Mindset) - I have to be positive behavior for my team members. 
M - Motivation (encourage) - I have to be enchourage other team members.


Hi Nitya, I read a small book.

Sometimes I think too much for the words, so I’ll try to elaborate more hidden meanings.

When I got to my new room in the kids part of the hospital, a nurse was waiting for me. She was wearing a brightly colored top and pants with balloons printed on them. She said, β€œWelcome to the Kids Unit!” … When mom was next to me, I popped the raccoon out from under the covers. She screamed and ran out of my room! β€œAhh!”

David dow

Even before “Youknowwho” (lets call him my stroke), I used to ignore these detailed information (like brightly colored top) – OR – I feel that even before YouKnowWho, I couldn’t even try to imagine it. Or, I just want to finish my story book.

But before YKW, I used to pick-up the important stuff (i.e. NOT NEEDED: just ignore the meaning – brightly colored top.) But After YKW, I can’t pickup the important stuff; which sentence is needed (or not needed) – it takes me time to read the story, and still try to imagine not needed – bright colored top. Hence, my reading book is slow!

Overall, this is not for my book – but I am getting a more superlative ideology. Let me give an example – if my (stupid) manager change it illogical code, but it will still not work – then simply ignore this concent (less than 10min), and move on to another concept (> 4 days).