Happy Birthday Agasthya :-)! You are 8 years old. Now we’ll give you our old memory vintage gifts to you. We share only funny gifts.

We gave another gift, but now you should give us the math solving puzzle. See Photos. Some maps also looks like the art:

X = 6.21 + 3.15 + 13.13 + 6.22 +
6.22 + 6.33 + 6.22 + 10.11 +
6.27 + 4.02 + 9.33 + 4.01 +
6.41 + 10.5 + 6.21 + 6.49 +
4 + 6.44 + 13.1 +
6.22 + 4.02 + 6.77 + 4.1 + 3.11

X = ???

Good bye 🙂 !!!